whatever is dictating events here on earth is not joking around............it's not their way or no way..........it's not their way or the highway...............it's their way.............that's it......end of story.........period. ************* there's mounting physical evidence in my little book of horrors that these katts mean business............I don't know what they are up to, but they seem to be rewarding me for tapping into my brain power...........it's as if they want every available intellect on the grid.............why do they have the mass media set up on an "entertainment" format??....................well, it's an exploitational format, actually, but it seems politically correct to say "entertainment".........what is "politically correct"?...........where from came it and when did it officially enter the contemporary lexicon, or has it?......the mass media could be set up on an educational format and think of the things that could be accomplished if everyone were becoming smarter and more educated and evolving toward great sophistication of intelligence and technological innovation and advancement.........we'd have cities on the Moon and Mars by now..............well, I thought a lot about mathematics.............and I seem to have arrived at an answer for this little conundrum.............these super advanced bio~machine space aliens have some very incredible and powerful technology........they are very smart, indeed, but they don't know everything, yet.........in other words, there is a limit to their technology.......to their brain power and what they can do.........of course they are still advancing, but that takes time............part of their continuing process of advancement is to utilize earth and earthlings..........the planet is a source of raw materials and we are the machines with which they do the work................they have programmed us to be intelligent and think and figure things out, but with the limit of their advanced technology, they haven't up till now had the means to provide us with full liberty to do thinking work only..............someone has to do the menial, manual labor tasks............it requires something on the order of 10,000 to 100,000 average humans to provide the economic framework(goods&services) to support one brain/thinker/intellectual type person.............for every really smart person who does nothing but think and compute and calculate, ten to a hundred thousand regular joe types have to labor to provide the platform for the thinker types to operate from.........in other words, there is a manual labor infrastructure in place which serves to satisfy the requirements of the geniuses so they can focus totally on their brainwork............... that's why TV/radio/internet, etc, etc is set up on an explotation type format............as opposed to an educational format...........the masses of human machines must remain clueless in order to keep them slaving to support the few brilliant minded ones..............how do you keep the masses brainwashed and under control??....................the mass media, of course.........media is a Latin word which means DECEIT !!.......when trends and fads are set in motion, its not for the sake of fashion or corporate profit margin, it's to serve the needs of the thinkers of the world.............thinking machines..........it's like a beehive...........think of all the drones and worker bees it takes to support just one queen..............beautiful, isn't it?? remember, you are my friend........what you have to say about what I say is important to me...........it does mean something..........it does matter.............. B. F. Chamberlain, 4:23 a.m. 31 March 2010 |
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In the wee hours of Wednesday, March 31 2010, Bart Fitzgerald Chamberlain wakes from another chronic nightmare. Sweat has soaked his sheets, his hands are shaking. They say it is always darkest before dawn. But will dawn ever come? He has slept with the lights on again because he is afraid of the dark, or of what lurks in the darkness. Pulling open the top drawer of the worn wooden nightstand beside his bed, he takes out his diary. Fumbling for a pen, he prepares to make an entry. Chamberlain has had another bad night. |
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