Yvette's ~* |
Yvette's is so proud to have the privileged opportunity to retail Kitty Chen Couture Prom Gowns ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* Kitty Chen ranks among the International Designer Elite ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* her gorgeous designs are so new and exotic ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* we warmly invite you to come to Yvette's and adorn yourself in your very own trend~setting, fine~fashion Kitty Chen Couture Prom Gown ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* |
Yvette's ~* |
Complimentary Garter with the purchase of your Gown !! ~* |
Yvette's has a Passion for Fashion !! ~* |
Yvette's treasures the opportunity to serve you ~* |
Follow the Pink Links to Yvette's !! ~* |
Yvette's is here for YOU !!! ~*~*~* Monday thru Saturday !!! ~*~*~*~*~* 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. !!! ~*~*~*~*~* |