Yvette's ~*
The Dramatic Portrait you will see as you scroll down
this page is the result of years of passionate yearning
for that Banshee which possessed me ~*
She haunted my dreams and stalked my soul ~*
Her seductive apparition was beyond my power to resist
Finally, after years of desperation, the Banshee
emerged from my tangled emotions and made herself
manifest on my Canvas ~*
My flaming desire for her guided my hand through a
tempestuous spasm of scribbling and rubbing and
erasing and re~drawing until at last.......here She is ~*
now the whole world can see what I carried around in
silence inside me for so many years of immaculate
longing ~*
She moved me ~*
moved my hand to take up my pencils and brushes to
Create her anew in my own Special Way ~*
Yvette's ~*
Corks'NCanvases Art Auction, click here ~*
I am beginning the
Painting of Norma Jean's
Portrait on Sunday
November 29 2009 ~*
I always like to begin with
a Drawing ~*~*~*~*~*~*
'Tis so much fun to have
several Paintings in
progress all at the same
time !! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
I shall work Norma into
my busy Rotation and
publish the successive
phases of her Portrait as I
complete each one ~*~*
Thank you for visiting
Recipes Index Page,
click here ~*
Kitty Chen Couture ~*
Scala ~* style number N4002 ~*
PROM 2010 @ Yvette's  ~*
a glimpse inside the
Painter's Studio, click here ~*
click here to read about
Yvette's Portrait Painter ~*
Yvette's has a Passion for Fashion !! ~*

As in an Icelandic Legend from long ago...........
Yvette's treasures the opportunity to serve you ~*
Follow the Pink Links to Yvette's !! ~*
Portraiture illustrates
the architecture of
the Soul ~*~*~*~*~*~*
Yvette's cares about YOU !! ~*~*~*~*~*
Yvette's wants YOU to be HAPPY !! ~*
February 5 2010 and
Norma Jean 2010 is
now complete !! ~*
she sold for almost
$300 at the Corks'N
Canvases Big Brothers
Big Sisters of
NorthWest Florida Art
Auction at the
BoatYard on Grand
Lagoon !! ~*
YAY !! ~*
now the new owners of
this magnificent Oil
Painting Portrait of
Norma Jean 2010 shall
have this beauty in
eir home and hand
this MasterPiece
Generation to
Generation in their
Family as the value of
Norma Jean 2010
steadily increases with
Time !! ~*
~           *~V8~*             ~