Yvette's has a Passion for Fashion !! ~* |
Lauren Bacall Madame du Pompadour Marie Antoinette Mary Shelley Leonardo Da Vinci Emily Dickinson Virginia Wolfe Gertrude Stein Romeo * Juliet Percival Lowell Cosimo de'Medici Giordano Bruno Queen Victoria Queen Elizabeth Queen Anne Mary Queen of Scots Dame Frances Amelia Yates Rene` Descartes Augustine Jerome Gregory Ambrose The Venerable Bede Ruricius of Limoges Sir Isaac newton Trinity College, Cambridge Royal Society Charmeuse Charlemagne Count Vladmir Sherlock Holmes Count Lev Nikolaevich Leo Tolstoy Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky The Count of Montpensier Dauphin d'Auvergne James "Sunny Jim" Fitzsimmons John Steinbeck Ernest Hemingway Ebalus, Duke of Aquitaine Calumet Farms J.D. Salinger Holden Caufield Herman Melville Broadway Theater Edinburgh Galway Arts Festival Oregon Shakespeare Festival Golden Mask Festival Judy Garland Liza Minnelli Get Happy Peter Paul Rubens Raphael Giorgio Vasari Piero Della Francesca Dirk Bouts Ezra Pound Titian Veronese Cennini Tintoretto El Greco Renaissance Modigliani Picasso Dali Andy Warhol Frida Kahlo Albrecht Durer Caterina Van Hemessen Judith Leyster Oscar Wilde Sofonisba Anguissola Artemisia Gentileschi Angelica Kauffmann Marie~Denise Villers Marie Bashkirtseff Johannes Van Eyck Mary P. Merrifield Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Merlin Excalibur Avalon Tycho Brahe On Diverse Arts 1125 Treatise on the Art of Painting Medieval and Renaissance Treatises on the Arts of Painting ~* |
I had the marvelous privilege of having Hollywood Legend Lauren Bacall give me her Autograph in the Autumn of 2002 !! ~*~*~*~*~*~* it was on a return flight from Toronto to Atlanta and she, of course, was flying First Class !! ~*~* the names listed here along with countless others have and still do influence me and my Drawing, my Painting and my Writing ~*~*~*~*~* the influence of these Great Names shows itself most Prominently in the Portraits I Paint ~*~*~*~* |
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