Yvette's ~*
Established 1980
Yvette's has a Passion for Fashion !! ~*
Follow the Pink Links to Yvette's !! ~*
we are very happy to announce that recently Yvette's has been
asked quite a lot about V8, what it means, and from whence it
comes !! ~*
so to satisfy the curiosity of all those interested we eagerly
offer this brief insight into the Wondrous Realm of V8 !! ~*
V8, first and foremost, is a Fashion, Artistic, and Cultural
Philosophy promoted by Yvette's to help encourage creativity
and diversity in Fashion, Culture, and the Arts !! ~*

V8 is the call~sign of open expression among individuals and
groups who are exploring what it is to be alive !! ~*
it is true that in a contemporary reference there is much
creativity and diversity throughout our wonderful World !! ~*

Yvette's wants to increase that momentum to a higher level
through greater conscious awareness of the dazzling,
sparkling, high energy People of Earth and their spontaneous
festivities !! ~*
Yvette's wants to increase the candle power of the spotlight
shining on the Pageantry of People, Places, and the
Celebrations which engage them !! ~*
hence, V8 and all it stands for !! ~*
Fine Fashion, Fine Art, Social Expression, Trend, Vogue,
Vamp, Cosmopolitan, Chic, Couture, Color, Light, Shadow,
Line, Form, Function, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, the
Potter's Wheel, Exchange of Ideas, Synergistic Networking,
Carte Blanch, Avant~Garde !! ~*
Yvette's wants to be a visible participant in the opening of
new frontiers in the Saga of Human Becoming !! ~*
V8 stands for the acquisition of advantageous options !! ~*
V8 stands for wonder and amazement !! ~*
V8 stands for People !! ~*
V8 represents good health and prosperity !! ~*
V8 represents Optimism and belief in the Power of Dreams !! ~*
V8 signals Happiness and Fun !! ~*
in expanding the V8 Concept to a truly accessible form, let us
share together in some of the exciting and intriguing
dimensions of V8 !! ~*

V8, in addition to being a call~sign of Fashionable, Cultural,
and Artistic Progression, is a kind of esoteric
symbolism+code ~*
steeped in Ancient Energies, V8 invigorates contemporary
explorers and adventurers with the inspiration of all the
wonder of the Ages !! ~*
V8 is Painted into Leonardo Da Vinci's the Last Supper,~  as
you view the way the two central figures are leaning away
from each other, you see that they form the shape of a perfect  
 V   ~~  and on either side of the refectory in the Scene, you
can easily count 4 tapestries hanging ~~  4 tapestries on each
wall,  4+4=8 , so that V8 is clearly encoded into the most
famous Painting on Planet Earth ~~*
Gustav Klimt encoded V8 into the Kiss ~~  V8 is there and you
shall certainly be able to find it when you look; an interesting
side~light, V8 often cameos in Novels, Films and other
exciting Entertainments !! ~~*
as of December 2006, there are officially 8 Planets in our Solar
System and our Home Star, the Sun, is classified as a G2 V
Spectral ~~*, the Spectral Class of our Sun is often referred to
as  V   ~~, so, in our very Solar System, V8 is neatly manifest !!
the Planet Venus is in superior conjunction for 50 days and
inferior conjunction for 8 days, V8 again !! ~~*
V as in the Roman Numeral for 5 ~~*
yes, the Mysteries of the Epochs are glowing in the Aura of V8
!! ~*
there are 5 days in a standard work~week and the traditional
workday is 8 hours ~~*  V8 again ~~*
the most popular engine is the V8 ~~*
V8 is a very popular health drink ~~*
silk worms weave silk by moving their heads in the pattern of
a figure 8 and silk's strength and color and thermostatic
properties are provided by a pyramidal or V shaped molecular
structure ~~*  V8 again !! ~*
as you investigate V8 further, you find an ever increasing
myriad of V8 manifestations in Nature and the Cosmos all
around us !! ~*
and now here's something really exciting !! ~*
are you ready ??
if you count the alpha~numeric characters, including the
apostrophe, in the name { Yvette's }, you arrive at a total of 8,
and there's a V in Yvette's !! ~*
V8 is encoded in Yvette's !! ~*
Yvette's = V8 !! ~*
Yvette's looks forward to learning whatever you have to teach
us about V8 !! ~*
be a part of Yvette's !! ~*
share with us what you know about V8 and join the V8
Happiness Party !! ~*
jump up on the V8 Happiness BandWagon !! ~*
we warmly invite you to share in the Happiness, the Fun, the
Excitement, the Exhilaration, the Rewards, the Gifts, the
Adventure of a Life~Time with Yvette's !! ~*
thank you again so very much and, as always, Yvette's is
entirely at your service !! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Yvette's ~*
Yvette's treasures the opportunity to serve you ~*
Yvette's cares about YOU !! ~*~*~*~*~*
Yvette's wants YOU to be HAPPY !! ~*
Thank You for visiting
Fine Paintings for sale ,
please click here !! ~*~*
please click here to see the World
Famous Artist Sean Terrence Best !! ~*
Yerza Kultoria
Gallery of Fine Art

, please click here !! ~*~*