she dreamed she could have it
in her dream she dreamed she could have it
she wondered what sort of herbs they were
the emotions of that brief space
they had flirted fancifully with her own
a mother's gift for devising drapery and costume
hovering about the enigma of her innate being
hovering deeper, deeper into the leaf~strewn wilderness
of her need, her mind, of what she felt and knew
that dreamy rainbow of dreams
a rag, a riddle, a letter, a mystery
she wanted what they said she couldn't have
she wanted it,
wanted it so bad like the frost wants the grass
wanted it or life wasn't worth living
so she asked her mother again
the shadow that was her mother
the shadow had the gift for devising drapery and costume
the mother shadow of the dreamy dream
if only she could make a few extra touches
a faint fashion alteration in the mode of life
like talk or listen or hem the rough edges of reality
they wanted to baulk her and they were trying
they were the spacious brick edifice which stared  
mercilessly into her face
but still, she had to have it
she had to have it or life wasn't worth living
she could have that stirring scene
the rich pageantry, the prince charming, the true love
no matter what the venerable figures surrounding her said
she could have it, she just knew she could have it
she couldn't live anymore without satisfying her passion
her desires were like cobwebbed and dingy paint peeling
off of some old forgotten wall
so she had to have it
she had to have it or life wasn't worth living
she was the masterpiece which eluded the portrait painter
she was worth living and her life was worth living
she wanted it like the sail wants the wind
the account of what had been witnessed on the scaffold
she would swirl among the ethereal majesty of the dome
she was alive and she would have life
she could have it, she knew she could have it
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