Yvette's ~*
Dearest Heart,
I am currently turned toward you........My Love, every time I read
your name I am transported to an ages old panorama.....
..as I accept your name into my brain, I find myself mounted
upon a mighty steed of stout breeding..........a small pouch
clings to my waist.......I peer into the distance.......as the twilight
yields to the rising moon, the tiny bag's contents produce
warmth and a glow that emanates with an eerie incandescence
which brings the forest floor alive............faeires, elves, sprites,
pixies and otherkin gather and dodge the hooves of my stallion
as he pursues the path with methodic deliberation.....
....not far ahead, a fortress dominates the hilltop landscape
which lies just beyond the edge of the sombre wood ..........the
sounds from the shadows seem to heckle and warn as I draw
near the object of my curiosity........I must not tarry............a
moment of hesitation may prove fatal and the beauty of the
castle beckons with temptation enough to bury my
apprehension in a tidal wave of longing for that which I
seek.........what lies ahead is the resolution and completeness
that will put the insanity of my existence to rest.......inspite of
the risk and against all odds..........
I must continue on .....................