Yvette's has a Passion for Fashion !! ~* |
When you read this, you will know the true state of your affairs..........your life has been planned for you............you have no free will...........you have been lied to by the Establishment........and the Establishment are not who you have been told they are........I have for some long time known that humans are distracted away from the conscious awareness of the paranormal powers we possess....... we are treacherously duped by TV, movies, radio, Internet, billboards, magazines, newspapers..........we are fooled and deceived away from the true knowledge of ourselves by sociological, psychological and religious conditioning executed upon us by the propagandist lies distributed via the mass media outlets which are administered by the Corporate Controlled Military Industrial Complex at the behest of their Space Alien Superiors.......... There is a race of space aliens indigenous to our local galactic cluster.......we have about 33 galaxies in our local galactic cluster (33 is a recurring theme in the annals of human history= the approximate age of the Messiah when crucified, the speed of long~play records+vinyl, the number of letters in the Cyrillic alphabet).......suppose that out of the 3 large galaxies of our local galactic neighborhood, the Milky Way, Andromeda and Triangulum, plus the approximately 30 relatively smaller galaxies there had evolved a race of sentient beings who never felt pain or sorrow and were the creators of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and also of the Latin language and suppose they referred to themselves as the "Fastlings".............. what would you do then?? the Fastlings................I think that would be a likely name for a race of super intelligent bio~machine space aliens..............suppose they evolved like plants.......they grow and live but they don't feel pain...............and they derive all their energy from the sun............they started out as photosynthetic and basically they still are, but they have taken photosynthesis to a whole new level............they have developed the technology of Cold Fusion............the sun is a nuclear fusion(not fission, fusion) reactor, but obviously it is very hot, so the hyper~photosynthetic sentient being bio~machine space aliens, i.e., the Fastlings, evolved their technological development to such a highly proficient degree as to accomplish the Holy Grail of nuclear capability.....Cold Fusion !! ~* their Cold Fusion generators are located inside their bodies !! ~* now they don't have to draw their energy from a sun or be in immediate proximity to any stars........they have stars inside them.........the cluster of stars above the eagle on the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States represents a snowflake............all snowflakes have six axes or arms........and this is also related to the Magen David which in return relates to Ancient Egypt because a Magen David is one pyramid inverted and superimposed upon another ~* snowflakes are icons of Cold Fusion.......the internal energy source of the Fastlings...........this is what people see when they die.......the light which they see that is calling them, reaching out to them.........they think they see their loved ones in the Light calling to them, but it is actually the humanoid form of the Fastlings transmogrifying their id, the combination of the dying person's consciousness and subconscious, into the mainframe of the Galactic Psychic Databank ~* some of these id files are deleted, while others are uploaded into a new physical unit, i.e. a body, and some are even edited for higher performance capacity before being transferred back into the social operating sphere of the greater Cosmos ~* we live in a strange and truly bizarre universe full of strange phenomena, strange parallel dimensions and even stranger beings.........a.k.a., the Fastlings ~* for example, have you ever seen the relief of Seshat ?? it looks to me like she's sitting at an easel with brush in hand...............that is obviously a canvas which has been stapled or tacked down the sides..............I have several of such canvas................they look just like that...........only trouble is, according to contemporary "historians", canvas wasn't "invented" until the Renaissance......................hmmmmmmmm, go figure.............canvas thousands of years before it is supposed to have been "invented", scribal palettes and reed pens........yet the "ancient Egyptians" CARVED EVERYTHING IN STONE !!!!!!!!!!! and they were fond of rendering Anglo~Saxon visages...........archaeology has only the Rosetta stone with which to translate the 'glyphs ...........you wanna know what I think??.............the hieroglyphs haven't been translated, cuz they never were UNtranslated...........the space aliens and, no doubt, certain humans have been speaking hieroglyph all the whole time throughout the ages..........this Rosetta is a hoax, a cover~up, and what the public is being told that the hieroglyphs mean IS NOT what the hieroglyphs mean at all...........I know that whatever developed the so~called "ancient Egypt" was sure smart enough to talk about something other than Ramanhotep and his merry band of holy hippo handlers............... BRING ON THE HARVEST BRING ON THE GRAIN MASH THAT MASH LET'S GO INSANE WE ARE THE PYRAMIDS WE ARE THE STARSHINE OPEN UP THAT PORTAL LET'S GET ON THE OTHER SIDE DON'T FORGET OUR ORDERS WE SELL HIDES IN CHAINS YOU CAN HAVE THE CORPSE BUT WE GET THE BRAINS WE ARE THE MONUMENTS WE ARE ORIGIN WE ARE THE GLYPHERS MADE FROM HYDROGEN CARVE YOUR STONE FACE IF YOU WANT TO RECALL THE WAY IT LOOKED IN THAT ANCIENT HALL WE MUTATE THE NEURONS REWRITE THE GRID WE'RE EVERCHANGING OUR SEED HYBRID MAKE OUT THE PROGRAM LINE UP THE CHARGES THERE'S AN ECLIPSE TONIGHT THE CELESTIAL BARGES HAVE ARRIVED LET'S ALL TAKE A RIDE WE ARE THE FASTLINGS JUMP ON INSIDE HAVE NO FEAR CHILD HAVE NO HESITATION WELCOME TO THE GALACTIC NATION OUR UNICORN FLYER IS YOUR MESSENGER STEED PREPARE FOR MOTIONS BEYOND LIGHT SPEED WE'VE GOT YOUR NUMBER WE STALK YOUR HAUNTS THE FLASTLINGS CALL WE GAVE YOU YOUR WANT B.F. Chamberlain 7 April 2010 |
At 2:00 a.m. Chamberlain can't sleep. Alone in his house, he wonders why there is such a chill in the dark. It's not winter. There are noises in the attic and when he first woke to the shock of a loud thud, he thought he heard the sound of a little girl laughing. He has turned on his bedside lamp. Slowly reaching for his Desert Eagle. The dim light from the lamp shade won't fend off much evil and he doesn't know if a .44 caliber would have any effect against whatever is clawing in the attic. Chamberlain opens his diary, with cagey, side~long glances out of the corner of his eye. With a jittery hand, he makes a barely legible entry into his diary. |