this is what the MotherShip and Escort Craft looked like all those years ago late in that hot, humid July night 34 miles offshore in the Gulf ~* the night suddenly got darker than dark........the stars weren't twinkling in the sky.........the phosphorescence wasn't shimmering in the water and the moon was blotted out by a bulging, brewing, skyscrapper cloud which had just appeared out of nowhere as if a Hex had been cast by some Evil, Salty SeaWitch......... yes, everything got dark, quiet and motionless........ then came the smell.........the motionless air was suddenly laden with a pungent odor that smelled like brass burning........ dark, quiet, motionless and smelly was the maritime world in which I found myself......... it was at this moment of deepest, darkest, quietest, stillest, smelliest suspense that quick as a flick of the switch all hell broke loose !! there was an earsplitting crackling noise which started somewhere off in the distance and rapidly moved in my direction until it reached its zenith in the darkness directly above..........I thought the earth was tearing apart at the seams ..........with that hideous racket as a warning, the MotherShip was suddenly right in the middle of the huge Thunderhead cumulonimbus storm cloud....... the top of the leviathan storm cloud itself reached all the way up into the stratosphere........... it was so tall and high and looked like a floating mountain and it was ripped all over with powerful bright bolts of fantastically colored electricity......and in all that varying color, the humongous cloud glowed with a golden inner light.........something inside the cloud was glowing gold........radiating like highly polished gold sparkling in the glare of the summer sun......I mean these clouds were tall and dense and were making some intense weather, only it wasn't weather.......there was something else causing this atmospheric disturbance.............there was a sensation of instability in the could feel its icy, bony fingers creeping along the back of your neck.........Chicken Little would not have been wrong on this night..... and no it wasn't caused by any natural weather phenomenon .........whatever was causing this turbulence was a thing of a different sort.....something turbo driven and with a definite purpose....... the seas were getting ruff......big choppy waves started coming toward my boat........3 feet, then 4 feet, then 5 feet, steep and real choppy on top.... the smaller Escort Craft began to appear and they were zooming in and out of the storm and lightening bolts of every color were everywhere, but I could tell it wasn't a storm......I could tell it was a machine because there was a constant, rhythmic rumbling which sounded like a thousand locomotives a giant, drumming, engine sound ~* it was kept repeating the same continuous cyclic droning sound over and over and over........the loud thunderous rhythm never got louder and louder until the Thunderstorm and MotherShip moved into position about a quarter mile off my starboard......... this fearful, dreadful instrument just hovered in nerve~wracking close proximity over that one spot on the surface of the Gulf accompanied by that overpowering pounding repeating pattern of thundering noise.......... it sounded like sounded like amplified, giant war drums banging loud and strong and hard and never missing a beat........ the decibels were wasn't anything like Cocoon where everything is gentle and peaceful and there are dolphins gathering round.........this thing was raising hell and there weren't any dolphins or any other sea creatures gathering...........right before my color bottom machine shut down I could see that the reef where I was anchored was devoid of any movement or activity whatsoever.........there were no fish at all......normally fish are swarming all over a reef and there had been lots of fish just a moment before that Storm with the tremendous MotherShip in it appeared........the reef was there, but the fish were a hundred and sixty five feet of water on a living reef not one single fish.........whatever that thing in the sky was it had created a Dead Zone in the Gulf all around me..........then my Furuno fishfinder went radar, my radio, my battery powered lantern..........all my electronics went dead like everything else.......... the volume of the noise felt like it was sucking the air out of my lungs.......I'm telling you, this freakish thing was rattled my brains around in my jolted the Gulf with sound explosions and reverberations.........the whole sea was felt like there was an earthquake in the Gulf..........a Gulf Quake....... sounded like artillery on a firing range..........the bone busting booms sounded like a great battle being fought.......the relentless hammering gyrations sounded like legions of massive cannons firing volley after volley and they were in perfect time and syncopation........... it was a mechanized machine sound........... storms don't sound like that.....storms don't sound like machines...... the Machine Storm then moved lower into position over the spot and hovered above the rising waves....storms don't do that either.....storms don't move to a pinpoint location then just hover in that one place........that's when I started realizing what was really going on...........that's when I started facing the reality of what I was seeing..... the MotherShip...........and the Escort Craft flying all around the MotherShip and in and out of the giant, heavy, high, tall Thunderheads.....flying in and out of the storm at will..... a dim, white colored beam shot out from underneath the MotherShip right through the bottom of the giant cloud............. but after it had shone upon the water for moment, it started burning started lighting up the whole Gulf underneath the cloud........the Gulf water was like jasper and emerald green color when that wide, pyramid shaped beam hit it.......... the jasper sea started bubbling and frothing and boiling.......... the MotherShip was using the pyramid beam to lift something from the depths of the Gulf, and about the time that whatever it was began to rise through the surface of the green water, a Spider shaped Escort Craft flew right over my head .....right over the top of my was followed by a Star shaped Craft, then by a Snake shaped Craft..........they all went right over my boat, past me about a hundred yards, lined up in formation, then shot straight up in the sky together.......they went ballistic out of sight,.... at that moment I looked back at the MotherShip in the Thunderstorm and that's when a long, narrow, wiggly laser light flashed in my had several strands of thin multi~colored light beams all mixed up in it and it came straight out of the MotherShip........emanating right out of the side of the huge Thunderstorm cloud, these radical tendrils of light started dancing on my eyes were getting sleepy and with blurring vision I could vaguely see a round dome shaped object, dark in color and glistening with a glossy, metallic sheen, rising out of the surface of the green Gulf water... it was huge too..........about the same diameter as the MotherShip............... the next thing I remember is waking up on the deck of my boat............there had been choppy waves building to 3feet, four feet, 5 feet, but when I awoke, the terrifying commotion had vanished and the seas were calm.........the Gulf was calm and quiet ...........the stars were twinkling in the sky again........phosphorescence shimmered in the water and the waxing gibbous moon was continuing its night~time trek across the was as if nothing had happened.........the StormCloud and the MotherShip and Escort Craft were nowhere in sight............. now the drawing/painting in these images is what the MotherShip and Escort Craft looked like ~* |
By the time I got my camera out, it was already running back into the woods............ it just looks like a blur in the images............ |
She was calling my name....... I groped in the darkness for the doorknob ........ |
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Pier 8 Yvette's Polaroid Deep Sea Fishing Adventure !! ~* please click here !! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* |
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we'll swab the decks on the morrow !! ~* for we talk of salty sea lore tonight !! ~* |