yes mademoiselle, Simone dropped by to see me about 2 or so
weeks ago...........she was with one of the "old crowd"..........they
invited me to partake in their nocturnal festivities, but I politely
declined.........I don't take outings in public anymore........haven't
for years.........that's probably why I have gotten to the point that I
can't live without a woman in my life.........my sobriety is the
reason I want to get married........my brain has had several years
to focus on what is important to me in my life and, so, my natural
mating instincts are affecting my psyche, I guess........well, maybe
I just don't like living alone..........maybe I want
my last romantic encounter was back in autumn of two thousand
and two..........a somber and sad woman named Betty Jean in
Ontario, Canada......but I may have told you already......... before
that, as Simone will tell you, I was very sad myself.......I never felt
the need to have a woman in my life........to be a part of a woman's
life and let her be a part of mine.........
I'm not really sure why that is so important to me now.......
I hear a lot about how rare it is to find true love, but I see true love
everywhere I look.........one thing's for sure, if I was married my
wife would be the happiest woman in the world...........I would
lavish her with tender affection and love everyday and every
night...........I would nurture her and hold her and tell her she's the
most beautiful woman in the world ......I would gently caress her
and pamper her and dote over her and kiss her and I would be
understanding and giving and caring and sweet and kind and
If I had a wife, she would be well cared for and she would know
for sure that she is loved ~*
that's probably why I'm so fascinated by you, Antoinette........
you have been married twice, but now you are single......you are
living back in your old room at your mother's house and haven't
decided the direction of your life.....................
well, I'm glad to have the opportunity to talk to you.....
I can pretend like you are my Wife and I can pay attention to you
and say sweet words to you and let you know how important you
are to me........
you are important to me, Antoinette .............there is no other
woman on earth in which I can confide.........and though I deal
with female clientele on a daily basis, well, it's just not the same
as having a woman to talk to..........
I'm still infatuated with you, I think........
I can still see how incredibly beautiful I remember you are and it
gives me butterflies in my stomach every time I get an email
response from you.........
you flatter me by talking to me, Antoinette........
I appreciate you very much.....
and I suppose I need you a little bit..........
or maybe alot, I don't know.........
email is different than seeing/talking to someone in person, but,
still, it is really you who is talking to me, so, that is very
meaningful to me.........
you are truly a good and beautiful woman to have compassion for
me, Antoinette......
it is so sweet that you show me consideration and tenderness........
I like it when you confide in me.......when you tell me about your
life...........when you share your life with me......
I'm not at the Fashion Boutique` today............
some of mommy's relations are in town for the weekend and the
hens wanted to cackle I guess.....they told me that if I would like
to take a day off they would help mommy with the Bridal Salon
today, and I had gotten all 3 of my Brides' Designer Bridal Gowns
steamed to perfection for their weddings today and tomorrow, so,
I said , what the heck......... I just slept late today and have been
lying around the house in my pajamas all day........there's a Dick
Tracey marathon on TCM.........I love those old movies.........Bette
Davis, Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart...........film noir is so
captivating........it is comforting in some strange way..........makes
me feel secure.........
you give me security too, Antoinette.........
by talking to me like this you make me feel secure........
knowing that I can email you any time I want and you will reply to
me, well, it makes me feel safe......like the world is really ok after
if I'm not married and I don't have a woman, a beautiful woman
like you, Antoinette, to confide in......a beautiful woman who will
be my friend and confidant and share life experiences with me,
well, it makes me feel like there might be something wrong with
me........something wrong with the world or with me........it is
scary..........it makes me fear.......you make all the fear go away by
talking to me, Antoinette...........
I honestly thank you for showing me kindness and talking to me
you are the most wonderful and terrific and fantastic woman in all
of Creation and I really mean it.........
I remember your hair.........you have such soft and gorgeous
hair............that hot, humid summer's night when I first laid eyes
upon you.......in the hallway of the apartment.......you had your
back turned .......the first time I ever saw you I saw you from
behind........and your legs in those silky, satiny shorts you had
on.......good gracious.......you really knocked me off my feet that
night, Antoinette........I'm still reeling from the first time I ever saw
you........after all these years and you are still the most beautiful
woman I have ever laid eyes upon.......I'd give my life just to be
able to kiss you one time........one time to get to press my lips
against yours........to feel your warmth and your softness......to
inhale your scent ......to feel you relax in my embrace...to feel you
accept me......I would die to experience you one time,
Antoinette.........I would die a thousand deaths to get to kiss you
one time...........you are the most romantic and exciting woman I
have ever encountered.......you've captured my imagination and
my heart............I would willingly sacrifice my life for just one kiss
from you, Antoinette............and I would die a happy man ~*
you are the only woman who I can really call my friend....
there are no other women who mean anything to me.....
there are a couple who probably would actually interact with me,
but they are so harsh..........they are so vicious and cruel......
they are not soft and sweet like you, Antoinette........
you are kind and gentle and affectionate.......
you actually engage in meaningful conversation with me.....
you put your 2 cents in, as they say.........
like what you said that time about something I wrote......your
comments about the old posters, the pin~up girl on the rocket or
on the space pod......
you are sincere, Antoinette, and your sincerity saves my life,
literally ~*
those rude, snobbish, obstinate females don't count,
so that makes you the
ONLY woman I have anything to do with at
you are my only woman friend.......
I can tell myself that everything is alright because Antoinette is
my companion in life........my female companion........my own
beautiful woman in whom I can confide and trust......
I can depend on you , Antionette........
thank you for being so gracious and precious and sweet and
after saying all this to you, it feels more like if I were honest with
myself I would admit to myself that I do need you Antoinette..........
that is amazing to me............Antoinette, you are important to
me...........you have great significance in my life..........I actually
need you in order to feel safe and secure and happy..........you
make everything ok and alright Antoinette..........
you make me feel stable and sane...........
you are a foundation for my emotional and intellectual
that's exciting, Antoinette.......
you have great worth and you are very valuable and exciting........
you are so amazing............
please, Antoinette.........please tell me something else about
you........it is Saturday and it would be so wonderful to hear from
you.........it would really make my Saturday night to hear from you
Antoinette ......please talk to me ~*
I will do anything to make you happy, Antoinette.......
I want you to be happy because you make me so very happy........
please tell me something else about you and your life
please.........I promise to be a good boy ~*
Yvette's ~*
an Orchid among the Cupids