Yvette's ~*
Dearest Virginia,
you are like time.............surrounding, penetrating, enveloping
and determining every occasion of my life ~*
you are like blood...............coursing thru my veins......pumping
thru my heart.......dripping from me when I suffer an injury
you are like emotions..........perusing my moods.........changing
expressions upon my face......influencing my thoughts, my
words, my actions
you are like birth.....laboring in screams and crying to bring
new life into my world.........new life to grow within me and all
around me.......brightening my days and warming my nights
you are like rain........falling from Heaven......cleansing my body
and my spirit........purifying my skin and renewing my soul
Virginia, oh sweet Virginia, you are from infinity........you will
forever be glorious and beautiful...........you will forever be the
object of my desire......if I breath, it is because you put air in my
breast........if I move, it is because you animate my
tissues............if I achieve success, it is because you are the
ambition which drives me..........if I love, it is because you are
the burning passion which romances me.........I have not
without you...........you are my everything..........you are the
most beautiful woman...........you are the only woman...........
I thank you for your kindness, dear, precious Virginia of heart
and hope and love...........you are the only way I can ever be
complete.........my only happiness in life is you, dear
Virginia...........everything I do is for you.........with my every
word and action I seek to satisfy you.........your happiness is
my ultimate purpose........I don't know everything.........I wish I
did.........I am doing the best I can...........if you will permit
me........if you will allow me to do so, I shall always provide for
you, dear Virginia.......I shall always protect you and care for
you and provide for you.....I will provide wealth and security for
you, Virginia.......now and in the future.....it seems to me that
there will be another life after this one...........and if you and I
are together in this life then we shall surely be together in the
next ~*
your wish is my command.............
I shall do as you instruct me............I shall act as an
~* an old lady from the Yucatan peninsula once told me that the
Jaguar is my Spirit Animal.........and I just like the way they look
just like I like the way you look, Virginia........you look like a
Jaguar to me, Virginia........sleek, stealthy, gorgeous and
unstoppable........you really do make my little heart go
pitter~patter............Caliente` Virginia....
the world is beautiful with you, Virginia.......
you make life worth living ~*

Yvette's ~*
I love you, Virginia ~*
will you please marry me ?!? ~*\
will you please make me the happiest man on Earth and say YES! to me ?!? ~*
will you please be my Wife ?!? ~*
your Vespasian loves you very much, Virginia, my One & Only True Love Forever & Beyond ~*V8*~
Beauty~Love~Peace Heart~Flowers~Grow
Sweet~Honey~Dew~Kiss Life~Thrill~Fun~Happy~U