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Yvette's !!
one time, when I was a little yungan, I had walked out into the
woods behind our house ..................it got dark before I could
find my way back .................I was only about 7 years old and
those woods were real swampy and spooky lookin' even in the
light of day, I can't describe what it was like to be out there at
night........horror is too soft a word.........well, I had just about
given up on finding my way out of that hateful forsaken place
and I was getting ready to start screaming my head off in the
hope that somebody would hear me and run out into the swamp
woods to rescue me, but as I took a deep breath to start
screaming I heard something walking thru the thick underbrush
and I also saw a faint glow.......like a candle light or some such
thing.............the sound and the light were out in front of me a
little ways and seemed to be moving my direction.............it
goes without saying that I quick shut my mouth and got real
still and quiet..........I was frozen with fear............I half wished it
was someone familiar who was gonna help me, but I also half
feared some unseen, unimaginably gruesome and hairy and
toothy thing with claws like razor blades and hungry angry red
burning eyes was going to get me...............as the light got
brighter and the sound got louder I could tell that it was more
than one something moving towards me..............it sounded like
several feet stomping through the dead branches and leaves
and pine straw and tearing through vines and stuff...........and
then I could hear voices too..............I could hear what sounded
like echoes of smooth, silky voices and they seemed to be
chattering ferociously amongst themselves and laughing about
whatever it was they were saying..........then, as I was standing
there shaking so hard I felt like I was gonna rattle apart, with my
poor feet frozen to that one spot on the ground, I saw the first
one of 'em.........my eyes were so wide open till my eyeballs
scraped with the dryness of not blinking and in the cool night
air the stinging sensation was intensified but my eyes just
wouldn't water and I couldn't close them, not even for a split
second........ my feet felt like they were made of lead and they
started to sting too like they were falling asleep..........it began to
feel as though I wasn't getting any blood circulation to my
feet..............my heart was beatin' like a jackhammer and it felt
like it was driving my lungs right out through my
ribcage..........and as this first one passed by right in front of
me, he looked over at me.............I was a little kid and this dude
was lookin' straight ahead right into my face.........he was no
taller than I ............ he grinned at me as he passed and kind of
held his lantern up and towards me a little bit as if he wanted to
get a better look at me, but he didn't stop, he just kept on
walking...........then right behind him another one was walking,
but he didn't have a lantern...........and another one right behind
that one had a lantern and so on in that order...............I don't
know how many of them there were...........I was too freaked to
count........counting was the last thing on my mind at that
point..........in fact, at that point, I didn't even have a mind........I
was in shock and terrified out of my wits .........but one right
after another they walked on by right in front of me and each
and every one of them looked at me and grinned..........they just
kept on walking and kept on talking about whatever it was that
had 'em jabberin' so.........what a clatter...........it sounded like
one of 'em had the hiccups ............I couldn't understand a
single word they were saying..........it all jumbled together like
so much jibberish and meant nothing to me anyway I could
figure it, if I could have figured ..........and anyway, my ears were
ringing so loud till even if they had been speakin' English I
wouldn't have known what they were saying...........they may
have been speaking English for all I know, but it didn't sound
like any language I had ever heard and that infernal ringing was
all I could really hear..........they were all dressed exactly the
same.............they looked similar to the way Hollywood movies
show pirates, but not exactly like that...........and every single
one of them had what looked like a yellow/green bib hanging
around his neck..........and black boots that went up to their
knees..........the lanterns they had weren't like any lantern I had
ever seen.............they held their hands like they were holding
onto a handle, but I didn't see a handle...........not one handle on
any of the lanterns...........and the light of the lanterns changed
color and shape.........every color of the rainbow and then
some..........the lantern lights looked like a bunch of mixed up
figure 8's.........and there was this smell................I had never
smelled that smell before and it wasn't until I was in Canada
about 6 years ago that I finally learned what that smell
was...........when I was on my last visit to Canada this gal up
yonder served me a steaming hot cup of Camomile
tea............and I dang near dropped the cup when she handed it
to me, because right as she handed me the cup, the first waft of
the scent of the tea hit my nostrils..............needless to say, I
was ready to get back home to Florida when that happened,
because no matter where I went or what I did after that day, I
couldn't get the teasing fragrance of that Camomile tea out of
my nose.............it seemed like everything smelled like the smell
of those spooky lookin' little dudes I had seen that night when I
was a kid in the swamp woods all by myself..............well,
finally, after this long line of strange lookin' little dudes had
passed right in front of me at almost arms length, the last one
in the line walked past.........and as he passed in front of me, he
waved his hand/arm in a motion like as if he wanted me to
follow them..............this absolutely made me feel vomit rolling
up in my guts and I couldn't move the least muscle anywhere in
my whole entire body...........the shaking had even stopped by
now and I was just standing there in that one spot where I had
been the whole time this was going on...........I couldn't even
breath.......... he took another step or two on by me, then he
stopped and turned around and looked at me with that
sarcastic, sinister looking smile on his face and again motioned
for me to follow...............but I was immobile ............. it was just
about then that I think I started to go deaf and blind all at the
same time.........I think to this very day, I'm still going deaf and
blind because of it ....the others kept on walking thru the
swamp woods ...........but this one that had stopped was just
standing there staring at me............then, all at once and very
suddenly and very sharply, he gave his arm a snap and pointed
his finger right straight at me........... he held his arm out straight
and his finger pointing at me for what seemed like an
eternity.........then, just as sharply and just as suddenly he
jerked his arm in toward his side and my body convulsively and
completely against my will lunged forward..........he turned and
walked on up behind the line of 'em again with me following
after him step for step..........I felt light as a feather and I didn't
even feel like I was walking...............I didn't have any control of
my legs........they just seemed to swing in mid air in an eerie
sort of silent motion carrying me along behind this frightening
and bizarre party of little men..................the very next thing I
knew, as if no time had passed at all, I was at the edge of the
swamp wood.......standing there looking up through our back
yard..........and not a single one of those creepy lookin' little
dudes was anywhere to be seen..........it was as if they had
vanished into thin air.............I looked all around.........even
behind me back into the swampy woods, but not a sign of any
of them could I see.........all that chattering and laughing they
had been doing was gone too............all I could hear was still a
ringing noise in my ears and what sounded like crickets and
frogs in the night...........when I turned back toward the house, I
could see the back porch light and grannie was dumping some
dishwater out the back door...........she had been defrosting her
freezer that day and the defrost/warsh water she had in her dish
pan was sparkling in the back porch light as it drained out of
the pan onto the ground.............she took a step down the back
porch steps and picked something up and put it in her duster
pocket ...........then she looked in my direction and hollered, "
get in here, boy, you're liable to catch pneumonia out it this
cool damp night air !! "...........
I staggered and stumbled along towards the back of the
house...........I don't know how I mustered the strength to keep
strugglin' along...............but somehow I did and when I got to
the backporch steps, grannie looked down at me and said "
don't tell anybody about what happened to you tonight till you
get grown, because nobody will believe you and if you try to tell
somebody about it while yer still a yungan, yer liable to get a
whoopin' for lyin'......"
I never did understand and I never did ask how she knew, but
that was that and this is the very first time I've related this
unnerving experience to anybody...............I never told a single
solitary soul till just now..........in this email tonight...............

Yvette's has a Passion for Fashion !! ~*
Yvette's ~*
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